Cost of owning a Top Hat

Cost of owning a Top Hat

Postby Shaun » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:34 pm

From: Rob (Original Message) Sent: 6/01/2003 5:37 PM

You've asked the age-old question regarding how much it will cost to keep
your boat. What you can budget for is: mooring costs (varies from place to
place hugely), registration, insurance (try Whitworth's Insurance - about
$360 p.a. compared with double or triple that for NRMA etc) and annual
slipping and antifouling (do it yourself or if a slipway does it for you ask
(and watch) what they do. You've then got the irregular costs - sails
(repairs/replace), engine maintenance, osmosis repairs, rigging replacement
(stainless wire needs checking in the survey - but if going offshore,
replace it every 5 years or so), topside cut and polish (comes up nicely in
my experience), things like flare kits and fire extinguishers (regular
replacement) and repairs when things go wrong (eg sumlog, head plumbing, etc

I've most likely left out many other items, but these are a start for you to
start a budget - Good Luck!

(TH MkII, Pittwater)
Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

Order of the Albatross - 2011
Order of the Tipping Dinghy
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