osmosis prevalence in mk2s v mk3s
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:46 pm
Greetings all, another pesky question. I recently looked at a mk3 that even in the photos had quite a degree of blistering which was confirmed by a marine engineer as definately osmosis. My question therefore is : are the mk3s more prevalent than the mk2s to the dreaded osmosis due to the differing building technique of their construction. I am soon going to have a look at a mk2 and before spending about a grand on slipping and survey (only to find osmosis) I am going to employ one of the marine divers available in sydney to clean the hull and tell me if it is worth spending time and money going any further. I am also arranging a swing mooring at Brooklyn to home the yacht when I find the right one. Thanking you all for your indulgence on this matter I understand that there is no exact answer to my question but previous experience of members can help with what they have found over a long period of time. Thanks again. Your friend in Top Hatting to be. Gypsyrider.