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Mk 1 History

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:50 am
by azzura
I am trying to learn a bit more about the history of my boat ("Azzura "formerly " Gadabout" )and was wondering if anyone has any information on Jeff Baker and the making of the Top Hat Mk 1 .

Specificaly where they were built ,the years they were built , if there is any idenitification numbers or serial numbers to be found anywhere on the boat ? Does the sail number have any significance etc .

As I am currently restoring her internally I am looking to have a small engraved commisioning plate made up to attach to a bulkhead to record its build date , build no etc if that can be established any information would be of great help.



Re: Mk 1 History

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:21 pm
by Phillip
Good Afternoon Mark,

Unfortunatly none of the Top Hats were numbered, thats for Mk1,2 & 3 and the total number is unknown.

Only 10 moulded timbered Mk0 were built in Melbourne and we now know that one
was wrecked in Java, so as far as we know there is now only 9, about 3 have been identified at this stage.

As far as sail numbers are concerned I have yet to find out if there is any logic
in the numbering system apart from the fact that most numbers seem to have 3 digits.

At the moment the build date can only be obtained from the original owner as no records exist today.

Good luck in your hunt for information. If you find any general information please post it.


Re: Mk 1 History

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:28 pm
by azzura
Hi Phillip

Thanks for the reply.

I have had some luck after reviewing the AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority ) site which has the list of records for Australian Registered Ships . I found my boat under her former name and that gave me a build year .So not a bad start.

And for some trivia , if your boat is present on the list of Australian Registered Ships you apparently have the right to fly the red ensign flag at certain times .

If anyone wants to check this register and knows the original name of their boat and approx years of build It may provide some information re their boats history .Here is the web site address below :

