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Antifoul Alternative
Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:27 pm
by Tophat25mk2
Do we really need to antifoul? If you have to do it every year whats the point? If you prepared your hull with primer, undercoat and several coats of modified polyurethane, then silicone polished the christ out of it , its going to last a year no probs, using a hull broom technically one could scrub it clean or at least engage a diver to scrub it down, if it need to come out every second year for a clean down and repaint, heaps cheaper , a second yearly haul out wouldnt be such a big deal, silicone polished hull should improve the performance too, what do you all think?
Re: Antifoul Alternative
Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:54 pm
by Phillip
Afraid you do need too, But
If you follow the manufactures recommendation you will put a minimum of three coats on with a roller, 4 as you will need two 4l tins
This will give you three years saving one tin of paint and two slippings
Re: Antifoul Alternative
Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:48 pm
by Tophat25mk2
Love your boat Phil, mine will match in looks
Re: Antifoul Alternative
Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:56 pm
by Tophat25mk2
Reading up last night several said load the paint up with the hottest chilli powder known to man others said cayenne pepper does the job too,
I am kinda tossing up the idea of pulling it out, drop the mast and truck it home to the front lawn, spend all the time on it i like, chuck in transport , two lifts with cranes i dunno,
Theres a Tophat at Murrumbateman just outa canberra for sale its sitting in a yard locally,
Diver going down shortly to see just how bad she is, hasnt geen out in 3 years, but was re rigged 6 year ago, me thinks hardstand in pittwater somewhere.
I have in storage an 18 foot putt putt ex schnapper boat with a lil inboard make a good tender to use while working on it in water but she needs recaulking,
Owner has lil tinny with a 2.5 merc he uses to putt out to Tern, hes giving me for near nothing.
Its all coming together in pieces and slowly lol, ill get there.