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What do you do for a dinghy?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:06 pm
by Brett2016
It's been bugging me for awhile now regarding a dinghy. I've had an inflatable which I would blow up while on the cabin top but became a hassle if the weather wasn't good. I have a Finn cross between a kayak and dinghy which works well for me if I'm by myself but really need something to carry 2 people. Stowage? That doesn't take up the whole foredeck yet easy to launch and retrieve. I have a cleat up front for when I anchor but would be covered with a dinghy, move the cleat real close to the bow? Would love to hear what people use and how they stow and launch.......Brett

Re: What do you do for a dinghy?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:45 pm
by Sailtime
It's a common issue Brett. There's a few threads on the topic


I built a foldable dinghy which has been working well, certainly stows easily on cabin top or up front. Could do with a little outboard but it rows ok and carries 2 people.

Was a great little project and easy to make out of a sheet of plywood and some heavy canvas-type truck sides.

Was very cheap and I'll be making another one later this year with some nicer material (the ply i used was cheap and a bit thin)


Good luck with however you go


Re: What do you do for a dinghy?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:36 am
by Brett2016
Thanks Shea. It's just a bugbear for me due to room.

Cheers, Brett