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Lisa Blair

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:19 am
by Shaun
Lisa Blair is about to round Cape Horn.
A big storm is due to hit with 70kts when she is rounding it.
Worth reading her blog.

Re: Lisa Blair

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:50 pm
by Troppo
Shaun, I've been regularly reading the blog. She is doing well. What gets me is how often she has to crawl out in bad weather to make sail changes. Often she doesn't get much sleep. Even when she does sleep, it would be similar to trying to sleep in the bowl of a cement mixer. Maybe I am exaggerating but you get what I mean: constant and large movements.

I have just realised that there must be a lot of noise with those big seas and high winds she has so often. Rigging singing, boat creaking, water sploshing. It would be another thing to try and get used to.
