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Fuel usage 4-stroke vs 2-stroke

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:22 pm
by Troppo
Since there has been some discussion about fuel usage, here is an interesting calculator I just came across:

I know it does not compare petrol to diesel (sigh) but I found it useful since I had been wondering at the difference between 4 and 2 strokes.


Re: Fuel usage 4-stroke vs 2-stroke

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:02 pm
by Shaun
Thats a handy link.
And it mirrors nearly exactly the fuel consumption figures I am getting on my Tohatsu 8hp 2st, which uses around 1.5lts of fuel per hour at around 4.5kts.
I always allow 2lts per hour of intended motoring to work out my range & that allows for a pretty big safety margin, for maybe adverse current, chop, headwinds etc.