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Slab reefing solution

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:34 am
by Shaun
Found this little beauty of an idea on a blog site, enabling you to slab reef without requiring a visit to the mast to remove 1 or 2 of the mains'l slugs around the reefed main tack cringle.
What do you reckon?, cheers

Second story from top of this page:
Small diagram showing the laced tape /belting through slugs, ... date=false

Re: Slab reefing solution

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:12 pm
by Troppo
Interesting idea, Shaun. I have yet to set up a reefing system on Windchaser :oops: so I am keen to see how other people do it.

Oh, I should say, if I think I need to reef, I just down the mainsail and use the furler to control the jib. Not the best which is why I am in the process of setting up a reefing system.


Re: Slab reefing solution

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:36 pm
by Phillip
I use a single line reefing for each reef. That means I have two reefs in the mainsail.

All easily controlled from the cockpit. I'll try and find some photos

[I'm having trouble with the computer in which they are held so maybe a couple of days]

PS, I devised a way to get the sail slugs all the way down to the boom, will repost that also.