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New Main Sail

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:47 pm
by Phillip
Well today my sail maker informed me that I will have to replace my mainsail.

He informed me that from the makers name on the sail, he can tell that it is indeed SEAKA's original mainsail. :shock:

Now I am not happy, as that sail has lasted 46 years and I don't see why it shouldn't last another four years, at LEAST! :evil:

Anyway, today I ordered the cloth to be purchased at the end of season sales in 2016
with the aim of having it made up sometime next year.

Not happy Jane!!

Maybe I'll sail a bit faster! :lol:

Re: New Main Sail

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:59 am
by Troppo
Hi Phillip, I can understand your disappointment. Only 46 years from the mainsail. Maybe the next one if you look after it you will get 50 years of sailing out if it. And if you don't get 50 years from it, I wouldn't buy from that sail maker again. : )

I thought sails were bought ready made. What's your plan? Is it cost effective to buy sail stuff and getting someone make it?


Re: New Main Sail

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:11 am
by bearmcnally
Hi Phil and Troppo
Bastard ! It should lasted another 10 years at least before even using sticky back ? No ! that sail has done well ,Egret II has all original sails 43 years L R MITCHEL The Swanson 38 has the same 31 years.Brian Shilland of Shilland sails (plug) my mate always said"the old cloths had better resins and the cloths were better made. He also said " The way the sail is cut is important ,not leaving them under boom covers and reefing and changing as winds change prolongs their life.
Ready made Chinese sails 2 years if your lucky ? I'll say no more as this upsets me ? Sails are like a suit buy one off the rack and it might look ok but just doesn't cut the mustard .Well an off the shelf sail is the same , and always remember you get what you pay for .

Regards Bear