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Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:02 am
by frank
Just curious as to how much time people spend working on their boat compared to actually sailing it. I know it a labour of love and half the fun.

Re: Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:49 pm
by Troppo
Sailing my boat? That's an odd question, Frank. I think you have become confused, just because a Top Hat is a sailing boat does not mean one actually sails it. As far as I was aware, they are strictly for maintenance and dreaming about sailing, not actually for sailing. Mine seems like that anyway. I've tried to sail mine but do way more maintenance than using it. Unfortunately after years of repair, I am still finding hidden major problems that require time and money which seems to use up most of the time I could be using her. However, with a boat that is in good repair, I am sure there would be more sailing than repair.


Re: Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:18 pm
by Phillip
Mmmm,.. think I have the opposite problem!

Re: Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:04 am
by Miker
I have many small jobs that need attention, but they're all mostly cosmetic.

Rather be enjoying the day bobbing around to Refuge Bay or somewhere quiet than working on her. We vowed to not let her get any worse than the condition she was in when we bought her, and we've upheld that, and perhaps improved her a little, but it's sailing and experiencing the sundowns and sunrises that we're after, not and endless trail of sanding, painting and polishing.

Each to their own though. Maintenance can be enjoyable too, especially seeing the fruits of your labours.

Re: Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:08 pm
by frank
I suppose you could break it down to there's vital maintenance and cosmetic.

Re: Sailing V Maintenance

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:19 pm
by SeaLady
All sailing for me and get someone else to do the maintenance. 8-)