

Postby admin » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:34 pm


Ive just gone through the process of renewing the insurance on my top hat with Associated Marine Insurers Agents (backed by Zurich Australia).

I asked the underwriters if they would be open to providing a scheme for our members to obtain insurance through them. Whilst nothing is set in
stone at this point in time, I was wondering what everyone's take on this would be.

I need to get an idea of how many people would be interested, what you are currently insuring for, etc

Third party liability only (if so how much)
Comprehensive cover (and insured value)
When you last had an out of water survey undertaken

The level of interest will determine if the matter is taken forward, obviously price and coverage is an issue. As an example my top hat is currently insured for $20,000 comprehensive, with $5m liability cover for an annual premium of $399 plus statutory charges.

If you could please let me know as soon as possible if you may be interested in participating and providing the above information I can
continue discussions with the underwriters.

Please dont post your response on the board, please reply to info (at)
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