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Dissapearing anode

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:48 pm
by SeaLady
The sacrificial anode on my outboard which is kept in the water keeps disappearing.

Yes I know this is what it is supposed to do.

But to disappear in 8 months seems a bit quick.

Any ideas?

Does anyone have a hull mounted anode?
Where do you have it and how have you attached it?

Re: Dissapearing anode

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:14 pm
by Phillip
That is fast :shock:

Is your outboard motor connected to your electrical system?

If so you may have an electrical leak somewhere.

I have an anode, which is fitted near my Prop, that is connected to the earth of my batteries.
The anode has eroded over some years but is now where due for replacement.

Hope that helps. :)

Re: Dissapearing anode

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:23 am
by Tales
That would be about right I think.
I replace my outboard bottom anode about every 3 years and although we use it 40 hours/year it is hauled out and flushed each trip.
The anode is small on an outboard compared to the ones fitted to inboard motors (which usually last at least a year or more).
Changing every 6 months or less in your circumstance would not be excessive in my book.
Not good to let it disappear as other bits of the engine will then start deteriorating.