Paint jobs and Brain damage

G'day Hatters!,
Dawn Breaker has now been on the beach for about 5 months. Getting a bit of a refit under the water and above. Today was the big day of a paint job.
Please tell me it looks good as I've now spent 4 weekends with 400 wet and dry!!
Pin holes!! I've done heaps of research on painting boats and have learnt that if its not painted don't paint it!!! Gel coat becomes porous and creates pinholes and when there painted they don't go way!! Before the boat came out of the water I dry sanded it with 180 on the orbital sander from the dingy and it looked great. When it came out we thought that we would rub it down with 400 wet and dry and guide coat it. we did this and used shipshape primer and sprayed it and it became pin hole city! So we gave it another guide coat and and rubbed it back trying to keep as much primer as possible and we got out all of them...... until the next coat! Frustrating as all hell!!!
We read the Nor-glass website and even they say its frustrating so it was good to know we weren't the first to struggle so much! So we followed there instructions which i wasn't all that keen on.... a brush and a squeegee!! These holes need to filled but silicon is the enemy! DO NOT POLISH YOUR BOAT WITH A SILICON PRODUCT!!! The Dawn was once a very loved little boat and had the shit polished out of it and non of the paint ges into the holes unless you force it with a brush.
So the next week Dad and I were standing there with a hose and lots of sheets of wet and dry and sanded it 100% flat. Using water to see if it would brake in the pin holes as mentioned in the Nor-glass webite.
So today we headed down there to prep the boat before the paint and I thought i was it with a cloth and water then use wax and grease remover. Well our little friends came back again!!! for some unknown reason. It was pretty heart braking. we did some more reading and came to the conclusion that single pack enamel was the go and not the two pack as the enamal bridges the pinholes but has half the life span of two pack so we relised we were loosing a up hill battle. so we sprayed the enamel and got a very good result and only had a few pinholes.
Next weekend hoping to fit the rudder, paint a gun metal grey boot strap, install the bilge pump again and put her name on the transom and hopfully the weekend after put a few more coats of antifoul on and have her floating again!
Moral of the story- There old boats, they are what they are and two packs to hard! Just go sailing instead of rubbing! AND DON'T USE SILICON BASED POLISH!!
Dawn Breaker
Dawn Breaker has now been on the beach for about 5 months. Getting a bit of a refit under the water and above. Today was the big day of a paint job.
Please tell me it looks good as I've now spent 4 weekends with 400 wet and dry!!

Pin holes!! I've done heaps of research on painting boats and have learnt that if its not painted don't paint it!!! Gel coat becomes porous and creates pinholes and when there painted they don't go way!! Before the boat came out of the water I dry sanded it with 180 on the orbital sander from the dingy and it looked great. When it came out we thought that we would rub it down with 400 wet and dry and guide coat it. we did this and used shipshape primer and sprayed it and it became pin hole city! So we gave it another guide coat and and rubbed it back trying to keep as much primer as possible and we got out all of them...... until the next coat! Frustrating as all hell!!!
We read the Nor-glass website and even they say its frustrating so it was good to know we weren't the first to struggle so much! So we followed there instructions which i wasn't all that keen on.... a brush and a squeegee!! These holes need to filled but silicon is the enemy! DO NOT POLISH YOUR BOAT WITH A SILICON PRODUCT!!! The Dawn was once a very loved little boat and had the shit polished out of it and non of the paint ges into the holes unless you force it with a brush.
So the next week Dad and I were standing there with a hose and lots of sheets of wet and dry and sanded it 100% flat. Using water to see if it would brake in the pin holes as mentioned in the Nor-glass webite.
So today we headed down there to prep the boat before the paint and I thought i was it with a cloth and water then use wax and grease remover. Well our little friends came back again!!! for some unknown reason. It was pretty heart braking. we did some more reading and came to the conclusion that single pack enamel was the go and not the two pack as the enamal bridges the pinholes but has half the life span of two pack so we relised we were loosing a up hill battle. so we sprayed the enamel and got a very good result and only had a few pinholes.
Next weekend hoping to fit the rudder, paint a gun metal grey boot strap, install the bilge pump again and put her name on the transom and hopfully the weekend after put a few more coats of antifoul on and have her floating again!
Moral of the story- There old boats, they are what they are and two packs to hard! Just go sailing instead of rubbing! AND DON'T USE SILICON BASED POLISH!!
Dawn Breaker