More flood on the Fitzroy River Qld

More flood on the Fitzroy River Qld

Postby Troppo » Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:46 am

Yesterday moved Windchaser down the river to a safer anchorage. No major dramas. Heard plenty of stories of boats dragging, including a 60 footer.

Today went down to check out Windchaser and various mates' boats. Still more dramas but not to Windchaser who is sitting well and looking pretty.

This boat is like a H28, it's a 30 footer and the owner told me what it was but I have forgotten both the type of boat and owner's name.

s flood 190.jpg
s flood 190.jpg (300.93 KiB) Viewed 1634 times

The yellow line highlights a log that has caught on the anchor chain. Notice how the chain goes straight down? That's from the log pushing it. Also see how the stern is lifted up a bit? When too much stuff builds up, the bow can be pulled under. That is one mother of a log.

Two dinghies tried to free the log but ended up giving up. The current is running maybe 5 or 6 knots and they just could not pull it away. The owner, I think, is on the left hand dinghy and I was concerned as those two guys were working on the log but neither has a life jacket on. The picture does not give the same feeling as being out there with rain coming down and the river rushing past. When we left the area the log was still there so don't know what the guy was gunna do next. Probably cut the anchor chain and move.

s flood 196.jpg
s flood 196.jpg (297.21 KiB) Viewed 1634 times
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Re: More flood on the Fitzroy River Qld

Postby bearmcnally » Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:03 pm

Hey Troppo have you thought to start collecting 1 of each animal shortly ?

A Walker 30 ? A Herreschoff 28 ,Walker lengthened it and put a fin keel on

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Re: More flood on the Fitzroy River Qld

Postby storm petrel » Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:59 pm

I agree bear. Looks like a Walker 30 or one of the NZ Compass built GRP Herreschoffs.

How many cubits is a Top Hat, might be a squeeze for the elephants....
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Re: More flood on the Fitzroy River Qld

Postby Dolphin » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:36 pm

Here's the manual;
Ark for dummies.jpg
Ark for dummies.jpg (54.18 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
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