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Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:27 am
by rodfor
Hi all
As I live inland from Central Coast it takes me more than an hour to get to my boat moored in ChainValley I am considering moving to Brisbane Water just wanted an idea on how long it takes to get from Tascot into Broken Bay and any other info that might help my decision


Re: Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:51 pm
by storm petrel
Hi Rod,

In a Tophat It takes about an 1 to 1 1/2 hrs from Tascott to get into open water- past Little Box Head, depending on the tidal flow. I guess the advantage of Tascott is that you can have a quick sail on the Broadwater and you have access to Gosford Sailing Club for races etc. I moored Storm Petrel in the Broadwater for 6 months while I waited for a mooring at Pretty Beach, which is 20- 30 minutes motor/sail to Broken Bay. It takes me about 35-45 minutes to get to the Gosford Broadwater from Pretty Beach but I rarely go up that way, as I much prefer going out to sea. Ettalong might be worth looking at as it is close to Broken Bay and I believe the mooring waiting list is short. (that is where the double spreader rigged mk1 for sale on Boatpoint is moored). Pretty beach or Hardy's Bay are great too as they are very protected but it would be further for you to drive and I think the waiting lists are pretty long.

PM me of you want more information about Brisbane Water moorings.


Re: Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:56 pm
by rodfor
Hi Mark
Thanks for the info what's it like getting past the sand bar ?


Re: Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:10 pm
by storm petrel
Getting under Rip bridge can be a pain if there is a big tide running against you (4 knots or so) but if you ride the tide in and out you fly through. The bar is easy if you go with the tides - there is a 2 1/2 hour overrun and a Top hat has water even at the lowest tides. You just have to not cut the corners on the way out. The only time the swell is a problem is when a very large southerly swell in running. I have always managed to get in and out but once or twice the waves have steepened up enough to make it exciting. if you keep close to the rocks at Little box head you avoid the shallow water where waves break when a southerly swell is running( you will see the surfers on the bank as you motor out if the swell is up). Happy to take you through on my boat if you want to run through It before you try it in your boat.


Re: Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:44 pm
by rodfor
Thanks Mark I will take you up on your offer in the new year if that suit you


Re: Moving mooring to Brisbane Water

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:27 pm
by storm petrel
No worries Rod, just PM me or put a note on the message board when you are available. I am on holidays all January and do not intend to go away (unless a weather window presents itself which would allow me to sail North for a few days) and would be happy to take you out on Storm Petrel.
