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Dam damp

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:04 pm
by Shaun
From: SilverGull (Original Message) Sent: 12/08/2007 04:31
My boat is damp. Have tried one of those useless crystal things. Did'nt even collect any water. There is water in the bilge and some in the front of the boat (leak in archor locker). Is this why its so damp. Was looking at putting in new door with Solar Fan to circulate air. Any one faces / solved this problem?? Thanks Denis - Silver Gull MKII


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From: TalesS435 Sent: 19/08/2007 15:37
Leaks can be tricky to track down but a start has to be made somewhere.
If the bilge pump will not remove all the residual water a sponge can be used.
Likewise in the cabin, all material should be removed so that surfaces are visible.
A good wash down with fresh water is next because the salt water keeps thing generally damp.
After that one just has to keep looking in all weather conditions and even when sailing.
It took me a good while to get rid of the leaks on Tales and they turned out to be quite minor.
1. Screw holes drilled in cockpit for mounting something no longer used (but not pluggged!) and only leaking when the boat heeled and water in the cockpit floor (Tales has an outboard well).
2. Faulty sealing in vent mount in forward hatch.
3. Screw hole in deck unused but not plugged.
4. Cabin window frame (slight and still to be fixed!)
Frustrating work but it is wonderful to have a dry boat - to store things in lockers and know they will be dry when you need them and not to have that damp feeling when you climb down into the cabin!


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From: SilverGull Sent: 21/08/2007 03:01
Thanks for the advice. Been plenty of rain here in Sydney so I've started to track down some of the leaks. Window in Head and the air vent both leaking somewhat.
Packing for prop/shaft has been redone so hopefull no more bilge water. Leak in the anchor locker into the front locker. Yep lots of water which is a good reason for damp. Will also look at replacing door with a perspex version with solar fan build in to get air circulation.

Would be so nice to have a dry boat with no damp... lot of work to get to this point. Thanks again for your comments...

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From: bornfreee2 Sent: 24/07/2008 23:22
in regards to your water in bilge I jad a mrk1 once and water kept filling up in the bilge after lots of detective work i found that the water was was seeping in from the join in the keel. would you believe it after mopping the bilge dry and watching intently it started to slowly creep in not a good thing to find. by the way it was a formit built mrk1 and not the baker built