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another moulded tophat- from 1964!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:29 pm
by surrealbass
here is another interesting tophat I've found on the net- sold now but a real early one.... ... ess=Public

interesting treatment of the prop shaft- don't know about the fascination the english have with petrol engines in boats though!
joylee is coming out of the water in a week- full of trepidation- bit to do but can't wait to have yer sailable again:)

Re: another moulded tophat- from 1964!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:15 pm
by Tales
Thank's for that Chris.

I really think they are the best looking Top Hats.

Regarding the petrol engine, I don't think small diesels were available in "64 but a lot of smaller fishing boats (ie open boats) were using this type of engine.

I once had a Chapman Super Pup made in WA from about those years and it was a single cylinder two stroke. To reverse one had to kill the motor, swing a lever on the magneto to reverse then start the thing the opposite direction! Came from a fishing boat in SA.

As a security measure, you could withdraw the magneto and take it home with you!

