Hi Karl and anyone else who has a well and is interested in the lifting and lowering device set up in Sombrero. The pics show the outboard in the up and down position. The actual pipe work is pop riveted to the pushpit at the side and rear of the pushpit itself. You will note that the bottom plates on the vertical poles are bolted in the cockpit floor to put the outboard in a position where it would normally be if the normal mounting bracket was bolted directly to the back of the cockpit . Height of the framework is determined by having the motor, when hoisted, clear of the bottom of the hull. My photos should show how the whole thing works and goes together. If you are interested and have more questions, or need more close up photos, I would be only to happy to respond to your request. It may look complicated, but it isn't and the reward is worth the effort.
Regards, John.S "Sombrero"
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