Climbing the mast

Re: Climbing the mast

Postby Lord Chunderguts » Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:36 pm

I've just climbed the flagpole and riveted in a bunch of aluminium steps that I made myself using Phillip 's advice. I used $70 worth of aluminium, plus the Monel rivets, anti-electrolysis paste, and rivet gun recommend in the earlier post, as well as five cigars and two monocles. Shall post pictures in the coming days.
I've done plenty of rock-climbing and free soloing, and I don't mind being hundreds of feet up a rock wall, but it were an 'orrible experience, because I couldn't trust the shoddy old halyards on my boat with my life, so I rigged two safety lines, attaching them in turn to each new step after rivetting them in. I also wrapped the lines around the mast so if my steps ripped loose I would at least get some braking effect from the spreaders, and I would have the chance to grab the mast tightly in the event of a fall. I wore a $95 Black Diamond climbing harness.
It were 'orrible trying to rivet, clutching the mast with one arm, I had to rivet one-handed, I had to press one handle against my shoulder and do a bicep curl with the rivet gun. I didn't have a firm place to stand, the boat was rocking like a bastard, and I dropped a steady stream of rivets, aluminium steps, monocles, and urine. As I struggled to drill and rivet while clutching the mast, the entire time I was convinced I would fall and break my back, so I practiced my swearing nonstop, successfully blistering the paintwork on houses for several miles around. After endless trips aloft (wild winds, sluicing rain, blunt drills. and angry rivet-guns made it damned tiring) it was done, and my only injuries were three or four broken legs, a crushed cigar, and a slightly dented monocle. Shall upload photos In case anyone else wishes to torment themselves by adding their own mast steps during wild weather, and I'll include a list of suggested swear-words as well. Best wishes chaps, Cheerio!
Lord Chunderguts
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:15 am

Re: Climbing the mast

Postby Lord Chunderguts » Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:33 pm

Lord Chunderguts
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:15 am


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