June 2 get together at the basin

Re: June 2 get together at the basin

Postby Dolphin » Mon May 07, 2012 10:29 pm

Hi Dianna
BOM are competing with all these other services.
I don;t know if you've seen this new BOM product Forecast explorer. It predicts marine weather in 6km square blocks. YOU can see that there is great variability along the coast. That is one of the reasons they have so much trouble predicting the weather.
http://www.bom.gov.au/forecasts/graphic ... x-week.php

Put your cursor over Sydney and click for a finer detail.

You did exactly the right thing. With all the information to hand, you stuck your head out and made a decision to not go. Full marks.
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Re: June 2 get together at the basin

Postby SeaLady » Sat May 12, 2012 10:11 am

Thank you Greg and everyone.

I am now safely in the Hawkesbury. So will be coming to the get together.

I gave up on trying to get a weekend with suitable weather and crew so skived off work yesterday and found someone who also took a sickie and we sailed up.
Or rather motored sailed up as again the weather was not as predicted for long.

Crew was compliant - just - crew is used to multihull racing so a calm, quiet doddle of a trip was almost enough to put them to sleep. A Top Hat just does not go fast enough.
Even though we were above hull speed at times. I thought we were flying, crew thought we were standing still :lol:

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the long weekend.

I will say I have a personal preference for Refuge Bay rather than The Basin. But will go along with majority rule.

See you then.
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Re: June 2 get together at the basin

Postby storm petrel » Sat May 12, 2012 8:44 pm

You can always spend the afternoon at the Basin and sail around to Reguge for the evening. If it is blowing NE Refuge would be better, but the Basin is great in a Southerly or Westerly and it is almost as quiet as Refuge at this time of year.

CU on the 2nd
Storm Petrel
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