Top Hat Yacht Social Gathering & Race – In conjunction with the Hawkesbury River Yacht Club (HRYC), NSW March 20&21, 2010
We have been approached by the Hawkesbury River Yacht Club of NSW (whom currently have 4 Top Hats within their club fleet) expressing their interest in hosting a sailing event in conjunction with our members to provide any Top Hat owners the opportunity to both get together socially and participate in their scheduled racing events for the weekend (20/21 March 2010).
The weekend will be made up of the following:
Event 1 – Observation Rally
Yachts complete a questionnaire covering items observed during their voyage to HRYC from their home port
Questions will be of observations, general sailing knowledge etc, nothing too hard.
This event is open to ALL Top Hat yachts attending and is designed to help pass the time of the voyage.
On arrival at HRYC participating Top Hats are requested to notify HRYC Club House by hailing or by radio VHF Ch16 of their arrival and as a confirmation of participation in events.
Detailed Sailing Instructions for this event will follow.
Event 2 – Round the Buoys Match Race
This event will be conducted on the Saturday, starting a 1330hrs, and coincide with the normal HRYC Point Score race.
ALL Top Hat yachts competing will have the same handicap and carry NO Extras.
Detailed Sailing Instructions for this event will follow.
At the completion of this event a BBQ, Social gathering & Presentation of prizes etc will be held at the HRYC Club House. Visiting yachts can tie up alongside the HRYC Club house, drop anchor or pickup a visitors mooring for overnight stay. The HRYC tender will be available to ferry sailors from yachts to the Club House etc. Please note that visiting yachts should make themselves aware of tide heights in the river as the area to the West of the Club House can be very shallow at low tide.
Event 3 – Race to Refuge Bay (Raft Up)
This event will be conducted on the Sunday, starting at approx 0930hrs, following breakfast on the HRYC Club House.
Detailed Sailing Instructions for this event will follow.
Information for those Top Hats participating:
1. HRYC does NOT require any participating yacht to submit an entry fee.
2. HRYC will cater for the BBQ on Saturday evening. There will be a nominal cost of $25/head (collected at the BBQ) which will cover HRYC costs for BBQ & Breakfast Those attending should bring their own drinks. Participation in ALL other events is FREE.
3. Insurance – The owners of ALL participating yachts are to ensure that their insurance coverage complies with the HRYC Club Rules (available from the HRYC WEB site)
4. ALL participants are to read the ‘Risk Warning’ available on the HRYC WEB site
5. Information on joining HRYC can be found on the HRYC WEB site.
6. Any yacht anticipating that they will attend the event is requested to email: and advise numbers for catering. Please cc the administrator