Painting topside

Painting topside

Postby Markofreto » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:52 am

Hi all . wondering has anyone painted their top hat on the topside . I guess as the boats get older some protection is required ?
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Re: Painting topside

Postby Troppo » Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:51 am

I have painted bits and pieces on the topside, not done the whole lot. Mainly painted over repairs I did as epoxy is not UV proof and needs a coating of paint.

Used Boatcraft Aquacoat two pack, water-based epoxy paint. I find it easy enough to use and left over paint seems to keep well enough as I put it in smaller containers with little airspace. Once painted, it dries quickly [best to use in cool weather as in the tropics it dries too quick to get a reasonable finish in summer] and hardens up nicely over time. On the negative side, I find it thin and a bit more tricky to get a nice finish. That's just my opinion and I am no expert. I liked using it inside as very little fumes though always need to be careful.

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Re: Painting topside

Postby sam » Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:07 am

I did the topsides on jillpanger early this year, there where a fairly large number of repairs that really wanted covering up and the existing layer of paint , was becoming fairly crap looking. I was lazy and stingy and just used single pack (toplac). did it in the water over a couple of really carlm days. being verry carefull to not drop paint in the harbour.
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Re: Painting topside

Postby Markofreto » Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:28 am

Sam. How is the top lac finish quality and durability. Lasting well ?
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Re: Painting topside

Postby woodsy » Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:32 pm

Fibreglass fibres were lifting & irritating me so I scrubbed the deck with fresh water & painted with 2 coats of house paint." Solarguard".
Flat finish, so it does not look flash but has lasted 2 years & looks better than when I bought it.
Cheap Cheap.
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Re: Painting topside

Postby storm petrel » Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:49 pm

I painted the deck of Storm Petrel with two coats of a single pack deck paint with grit in it that I bought form Bias (interdeck or weatherfast I think?). When I sold her the paint had been on 5 years and still was grippy and looked good.
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Re: Painting topside

Postby rob.lovelace » Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:46 pm

I used Awlgrip on Sundowner it was the only paint that was suitable for the top sides for a yacht that has an outboard in a well. I believe you can use a cheaper brand of paint on the inboard models.
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Re: Painting topside

Postby Fat Controller » Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:15 pm

Hi Rob, do I take it that now you have swallowed the anchor, you are looking to relieve your boredom by reigniting the inboard v outboard debate? I too am contemplating a winter refurb. of the topsides. I put more trust in the wisdom from the members of these sites than I do from the sales people... My problem is I have inboard and have an outboard for the well.... what paint do I use??? ;) :roll: :roll:
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Re: Painting topside

Postby rob.lovelace » Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:36 am

look I swear by the Awlgrip, I used the soft one that can be sanded and touched up, which also scratches easier I guess, rather than the hard one. As Shaun or Phillip about the finish they saw her at Camden Haven (and someone else) trouble was its very expensive, I also paid someone to apply it as I didn't trust myself. The trick with it is not to polish it because as it takes the protective skin of it and you have to keep polishing it. ( thanks bundaberg travel lift for the acid wash that did same ) That being said anything is better than nothing isn't it?
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Re: Painting topside

Postby Phillip » Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:53 pm

I can assure all that Robs topsides look like they had been done the day before when he arrived at Camden Haven way back when. :D

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