we entered the lake on 16th Sept, yesterday. The bar crossing was uneventful and went as planned.
With a 0600 1.36m tide we had about 3.5m on the bar. We crossed at 0545. The wind was forecast as SE 13/18 knots which came in about 2400 on the way up. Coastal Patrol has changed to VMR Swansea and when logging on with Coastal Patrol Sydney, (Who have better radio coverage due to the repeater on Ch 22) they will transfer your tracking sheet to them. VMR Swansea open at 0600 so for some of the trip overnight you can expect to have no VHF radio coverage unless in an emergency.
We used GPS but also stayed at 45 to 50m depth until Norah Head to clear Tuggerah reef and the reefs off Norah Head.
Moon Island was breaking heavily even in a small swell and it is best to keep well clear, at the very least 300m. There is an Isophase white light 2 seconds on Moon island that we only saw 1.7nm away on the seaward side. Its very dim. There was breaking surf on the north side of the bar but that is normal. We entered at 0545, about 1 hour after first light. The leads are lit with blue lights and they are hard to see with old tired eyes. We went north of the leads and headed back to the first port bouy which is lit, until on the leads. The two fixed red lights to the right of the leads are the traffic lights on the bridge. Don't try and get these red lights in line.
The back leads on Swansea Heads to cross the channel are not visible until about 50m from the crossover due to the trees surrounding them..
We went through on the 0700 bridge, organised by VMR Swansea. They need one hours notice. We tied up on one of the three courtesy moorings east of the bridge and had breakfast. The bridge opens every hour except 0800 and 1600 on weekdays.
We left Refuge Cove Broken Bay, at 2100 to get the high tide at Swansea which means you have an ebb tide so numerous overfalls and short chop getting out of Broken Bay.