Philip, This is how the plot was taken.
Firstly select a suitable sampling rate. If you select too high a sampling rate you end up with too many points and a mess. Go for a sail and collect the data you need.
I used the Garmin download software, “Mapsource”. It takes a .gpx file and plots it on a VERY rudimentary map. It also converts the .gpx file to a list of leg lengths and times, speeds altitudes etc. The speeds are integers of knots and some values contain extra strings eg. speed in whole knots and has <Space>kt in the field, ie 5 kt. I imagine most proprietary download software does this.
Here is a sample of the screen.
- Garmin Mapsource Harbingers race a.jpg (58.37 KiB) Viewed 1876 times
Mapsource has a function where you can view the track in Google Earth. That is the one in the previous post that contains the track overlaid on the satellite picture. Good for reviewing tactics later.
To extract the data, open the file in mapsource and highlight one line, this is shown as a blue line of highlighted text. Use ctrl A to highlight the whole data file, then use ctrl C to copy the file to the clipboard.
Paste the file into Word and it comes up as a tab separated file. Because Excel will only operate on numbers and wont recognise numbers and text as numbers we need to strip the “<sp>kt” and “(Deg) True" and ”<Sp>m from the fields we need. Use “Edit” “replace” and replace the text with blank.
Select All (Ctrl A ) copy (Ctrl C) and open Excel. Then in the 2nd cell 2A paste the contents. (Ctrl V). your data is now in Excel and in a format that is useable,