What should i know?

Re: What should i know?

Postby scott » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:10 am

Hi Taunto,

I've sent a PM to you with my mobile....not sure if it made it to you as I had make several attempts at sending it off. If you don't receive it, let me know.

Hope your first days on Dulcamara went well Michael.

BTW, I've noticed the boat at Marmong. A Mk II I think. I think it's been there for at least six months (maybe more??). Not sure why it's still there as it looks to be a reasonble boat as far as equipment go. Looks messy inside and the $$ may be a little high.

Off now for a paddle down the coast in my 4.1m pretend yacht before the rain comes...

(ex) TH MkIII
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Re: What should i know?

Postby storm petrel » Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:59 pm

Hi Scott,

An 8-10HP inboard will push the top hat at its hull speed (about 5-6 knots). If you try to go faster, you are just pushing a hole in the water and wasting fuel. Storm Petrel has a 30yr old 15HP yanmar twin with a dripless stern gland that to date has lived up to its name. The Yanmar starts easily, even in winter, and uses less than a litre of deisel an hour from the 60 litre stainless tank I have under the bunk. As with all inboards the boat smells at little of deseil after it has been shut up, but it is not a problem after the hatched have been opened for a few minutes. They cost a bit more to service but a good inboard makes life a lot easier in tricky situations. I would still advise you to try to find a decent tophat with a well maintained inboard if you can afford it.

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