

Postby Shaun » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:45 pm

Cant remember if this one has been posted before....

A young fella buying a small yacht, & fitting it out for a UK circumnavigation
Click on "Videos" in the green bar at top of the page on the above link, to watch the videos.

Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

Order of the Albatross - 2011
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Re: OnKudu

Postby SeaLady » Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:24 pm

\did you want to talk to me about my mooring.

Email me at sealady@live.com.au
"Sea Lady"
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Re: OnKudu

Postby Shaun » Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:30 pm

Hi Diana,
yes, just sent you a PM & will email you later too

Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

Order of the Albatross - 2011
Order of the Tipping Dinghy
Posts: 954
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Postby SeaLady » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:37 am

Hi Shaun,

I have not been able to reply to your private message.
Don't know why.

I sailed down to Sydney on the weekend. Fabulous trip and will leave the boat there for a few months.

So that mooring is available for a while and you are welcome.

I expect to come back to it probably November / December.

Please email me so we can swap phone numbers and sort it out.


"Sea Lady"
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Location: Lake Macquarie

Re: OnKudu

Postby transfit » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:00 pm

Good evening Sea Lady,

On Sunday I was racing on a Swanson with Gosford SC from Sydney to Pittwater. I heard a Sea Lady log on, but was not sure whether it was your boat or not on Sunday. Would I be right in saying you sailed down on the Sunday. If you did it would have been dream run. Seas were flat as a tack and from the ENE swinging to NE later in the day. I am assuming just off a run downwind.

Could you let me know how long it took you to sail down? I am hoping it is between 3hrs 30mins and 4 hrs 30mins (averaging over 4 knots).


Tom Transfield
Alley Oop.
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Re: OnKudu

Postby SeaLady » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:08 pm

Hi yes it was me.

Ohhh I am famous!!!!!

It was flat as a tack and perfect conditions

Took 4 hours head to head.
Had to motor part of the way. As the wind was officially ZERO at South Head and I confirmed it with Marine Rescue.

Average about 4 knots.

The wind picked up later in the morning.

I had a crew member on board. He was the one making the call. His first time using a radio.

Great to have a galley slave. :lol:

Once the wind picked up we were on a reach.
Great trip.

A tip.
I was using a hand held radio, my main radio is on the blink, and Marine Rescue has difficulty hearing me so I used the mobile phone.
Always have a mobile phone on board as well... just in case.

My last trip, heading north took 5 hours head to head.
It really depends on the weather.

Happy sailing

"Sea Lady"
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