Hi John,
I too have a MkIII, my filler is a standard plastic filler at the back of the tank near the companionway, with a bung down in the keel well behinf the tank. The hose goes into the top of the tank at the front near the entry to the forward berth, and is epoxy/siliconed in place.
It may be easier for you to remove the hose completely and replace it with another new length of the 1/2" taint free water hose from Whitworths. You should be able to see the end of the hose down near the filler hole. This may mean re-sealing where the hose comes through the front of the tank, but you shouldn't need to cut the tank open.
At least, that's what the previous owner did with mine and I've since put in a powered pump under the sink for cold running water and it works well.

If you look at the pic, right at the front, where the green carpet meets the blue carpet, you'll see where the white hose comes out of the tank and up into the galley cupboard.
At least, that's what I think based on your description.