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Around the World with Eric and Susan Hiscock

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:23 pm
by Shaun

Re: Around the World with Eric and Susan Hiscock

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:23 pm
by percyverhance
Very interesting doco.Couldnt help but noticed the different use of the words "gay" and "faggot" from 1956 to the common use in place today.Funny

Re: Around the World with Eric and Susan Hiscock

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:39 pm
by Troppo
I couldn't help but notice how she did the cooking, rowing to shore to go grocery shopping, washing the clothing, passing the cooked food to him while he was in the cockpit. He did the navigating.

I also noticed that once when they were in the doldrums and they dumped rubbish overboard, it looked like some not so perishable rubbish amongst it. Wonder if it is still floating around out there or if it was indeed perishable.

Times have certainly changed.

Still, interesting to see what they did and what technology was not available back then.


Re: Around the World with Eric and Susan Hiscock

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:41 am
by Miker
One of his earlier comments about the port in North Africa where they were shunned at the mosque. Paraphrased "A few months after our visit, this whole place was destroyed by an earthquake, with the loss of 10,000. Still, it was a squalid, dirty, poor place and no great loss really."

It goes to show the, well, I was going to say arrogance, but it was really ignorance of some of the English in that period.

Also the comments about the cooking and cleaning etc. It seemed almost like they kept their traditional housekeeping roles even though they were at sea for three years.

Loved his pipe and horn rimmed spectacles. Very stylish what!

Thanks for sharing Shaun.

Re: Around the World with Eric and Susan Hiscock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:03 pm
by Phillip
Mate of mine spoke to them aboard their last yacht when they visited Sydney [1980s I think] and
he said they were both very informative and accommodating to any visitors that came along.

They are and still remain one of my childhood memories in that I followed them with each book published.

No internet blogs then!!!!

Sent from 4 miles up Island Head Creek sheltering from 20-25 knot winds.
Only one Mud crab so far, shared with another solo yachty and half a mud crab was still too much!!!!