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A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:48 am
by Troppo
I was taking a break from repair work on Windchaser moored in the Fitzroy River, sipping a cup of tea in the cockpit, and I noticed a strange ripple heading across from the north bank. I kept watching and a minute later I could see, to my surprise, there was something swimming directly toward me . . .

s snake1.jpg
s snake1.jpg (257.24 KiB) Viewed 6577 times

The closer it got to my mooring rope and buoy, the more I was nervous about it coming on deck. Silly me! :oops:

When the snake slid under the bow of Windchaser, I admit, I was more concerned about where the jolly thing was going rather than taking a decent picture.

s snake3.jpg
s snake3.jpg (226.57 KiB) Viewed 6577 times

Happily, the snake did not pop up on deck but kept swimming to the other side of the river. It is an Eastern Brown snake, considered to be one of the most venomous land snakes in the world.

s snake4.jpg
s snake4.jpg (223.44 KiB) Viewed 6577 times

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:51 pm
by storm petrel
Hi Troppo,

Had a similar looking snake in the backyard last week. It gave me a fright because I did not notice it until I had almost stepped on it and it looked like an eastern brown snake. Luckily, it did not like the look of me and made a hasty getaway. When it did so, I noticed its yellow underbelly, which I am told makes it a harmless common tree snake rather than a brown snake. But I will give it a wide berth anyway if it comes around again.

I am pleased to hear that your visitor decided not to invite himself aboard. (Might have been a need for fresh undies otherwise.)

PS I am impressed that you were calm enough to take happy snaps of him.

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:17 pm
by Troppo
storm petrel wrote:I am pleased to hear that your visitor decided not to invite himself aboard. (Might have been a need for fresh undies otherwise.)

But Mark, snakes don't wear undies. . . . Oh, ME! Well, I was heading that way. Since I have temp tarps strung about to try and keep some shade on the deck, there were ropes everywhere. If the snake had come on board, I would not have had the free space to jump around and try and persuade it with the mooring stick thingo to go back into the water. And with the boat all open including all the storage space inside, it would have provided many hidey holes for a snake. Consequently, my logical strategy if the snake's head appeared above the toe rail was to abandon ship immediately rather than defend to the death.

I love my camera. Fast enough shutter speed to stop my shaking hand from being noticed. : )

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:56 pm
by bornfreee
I know a guy who had one come on board his yacht it went inside and he couldnt find it he actually went to bed that night with it on board how he did that got me beat it took quite a few days before he saw it leave not for me makes me shiver thinking about it

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:32 pm
by SeaLady
Fabulous photos.

I prefer my snakes a long way away and going in the opposite direction.

Have never had a snake approach my boat.
Did have a red bellied black snake come towards me and rear up when I was in my hot pink mini moke - a lot of years ago.

Change of undies required after that as well.

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:32 pm
by SeaLady
I have met someone who lives on their boat. (Not a Top Hat)
When he is not on board he leaves the boat open and allows his pet snakes to roam freely.

Has never had any unwelcome visitors on board.

Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:40 pm
by Troppo
SeaLady, I can understand him not having visitors. I don't know if I would visit even if I got an invite.

I guess the snakes would help keep the birds off.


Re: A visitor to my boat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:57 pm
by bearmcnally
Hi Di talking about sea snakes we were off Mona Vale heading down for the fireworks and Thomas and Katerina (children to Bear) saw a sea snake ,and all the years I have sailed up and down that was my first time.
