Easter 2019 on Pittwater

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Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Miker » Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:51 am

Just been checking out how long it is since there was any kind of get together in the Sydney area, or anywhere else for that matter. My first preference was to sail up to Lake Mac, but we now don't have that much time available.

I didn't want to arrange anything in particular, but Gabi and I were planning to be out for at least two of the four days over Easter. Overnighting either Refuge, Brisbane Water, or Jerusalem. Not sure yet. Refuge can be busy, tides and swell determine ease of entry into Brisbane Water, but it is a great place to hang out.

So, if there is an interest in a raft up somewhere, on a day or overnight, let us know. Or, just keep any eye out for Dulcamara if you're out and about.

"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Phillip » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:21 pm

Great Idea Michael,

As you said it's been some time since the last get together.

I won't be there as I am getting ready to sail north again this year around mid May.
I will be sailing towards Lizard Island this time.

I'll put up details of Seaka's blog at a later date.
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Swift » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:55 pm

My' vote would be for Refuge or Jerusalem. Anyway, I fully intend being out on the boat for at least 2 days over Easter so we have 2 boats to start. I hope more can join in.

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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Miker » Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:33 am

Nice to hear from you Keith, it's been a while. Even that last gathering at Lake Mac was two years ago.

If anyone is in Pittwater, we can use a general "Top Hats" Call sign on VHF 16. Hope to see a couple more out sometime over the weekend.

"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Janos » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:23 pm

I am interested in joining you - will have to make sure I have Seraphim properly ship-shape though. Some work to be done on the headsails, will keep an eye on this thread and keep you updated on my intentions.
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Miker » Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:15 am

Good to hear Janos, Pittwater is an easy trip from the heads, in the right conditions. Longer from Lane Cove, but still doable in daylight.
"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Miker » Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:24 pm

I'm not sure if it was just me, or whether it was actually quieter this Easter. We ended up staying just Saturday night in Yeoman's Bay, near Cottage Point. No wind Saturday meant that we motored all the way from Careel. We met up with my cousins on their Cavalier 28. They had stayed Friday night and managed to get a NPWS mooring, so we rafted with them. We barbecued a snapper, and some lamb kofta, washed down with Budvar Dark and a couple of Negronis.

It was perhaps the best weather we've had at Easter for a few years. Warm sunny days with warm water for a swim. Rob and Fiona left around 9.30 Sunday, but we stayed until 1.30pm. By that time the NNE wind had picked up, giving us a good bit of breeze to get home with. We managed to sail off the mooring and ghost out of the bay into the main passage. From there we had a lot of tacking as far as Patonga, and then managed a lovely broad reach around West Head. Back on the mooring at about 5.00pm.

It was really one of those perfect weekends on the water, one you don't get often due to bad wind, bad tide or rain. We had none of those this time. As shame though, we didn't see one other Top Hat on the water at all. Perhaps next time.

"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Swift » Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:33 pm

Judging by the lack of response the weekend looked like being fizzer as far as a get together but I decided to go with the plan anyway. So on Friday arvo I caught the outgoing tide from Brisbane Water and was joined by another Top Hatter who was heading for Brooklyn. We were close enough to chat and once again I found it amazing to meet a Toppie who didn’t appear to know anything about this site.

I didn’t hear any action on VHF so I moored in in Refuge bay and was invited to go aboard another boat for evening drinks. This guy had built a 50ft yacht and spent 6 years cruising the Pacific with his wife but now years later he preferred the easy transport of a Trailer Sailer. He had driven down from Queensland by himself with his boat to combine visits with relatives with a few weeks sailing on the Hawkesbury. At 81 years he was still a very fit and keen sailor. Interesting guy.

Refuge Cove was idyllic and I have to agree with Michael that it was maybe a bit quieter than expected. On Sunday I sailed down to the Basin to check it out and also be reduce the distance to catch the early morning tide on Monday. The Basin was party central compared to Refuge Cove. As soon as the sun went down the music went up. There was one cruiser that had the loudest sound system I had ever heard outside of a rock concert. Extremely impressive, and I didn’t mind when they played music I liked, but I didn’t get to choose the playlist so some of the other music… well, not so much. After demonstrating his sonic superiority for a while the owner of this hi fi marvel turned the volume down to match the more reasonable level of the other party boats.

So, Sunday night was free musical entertainment and a nice dinner of fresh flathead which I had caught that morning back at Refuge Cove. It was the only edible fish I caught the entire weekend but what a fish. Actually a bit big for one person but I manage to eat most of it by washing it down with some nice chilled wine. BTW, recently Swifts big battery died and I had just replaced it with 2 x 75ah AGM’s which were very reasonably priced compared to when I bought my last AGM. They did a fine job keeping the portable fridge running all weekend

Yes perfect weather and although the Top Hats didn’t meet I really have to thank Michael for proposing the get together because it solidified a vague thought I had of spending Easter on the water into concrete action. I had a great weekend and it made detrmined to do it more often.

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Re: Easter 2019 on Pittwater

Postby Miker » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:37 am

Nice write up Keith. We must have just missed each other at some point. Sounds like you had just as good a weekend as we did.

I'm still trying for the Lake Mac sometime in June/July......
"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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