I'm not sure if it was just me, or whether it was actually quieter this Easter. We ended up staying just Saturday night in Yeoman's Bay, near Cottage Point. No wind Saturday meant that we motored all the way from Careel. We met up with my cousins on their Cavalier 28. They had stayed Friday night and managed to get a NPWS mooring, so we rafted with them. We barbecued a snapper, and some lamb kofta, washed down with Budvar Dark and a couple of Negronis.
It was perhaps the best weather we've had at Easter for a few years. Warm sunny days with warm water for a swim. Rob and Fiona left around 9.30 Sunday, but we stayed until 1.30pm. By that time the NNE wind had picked up, giving us a good bit of breeze to get home with. We managed to sail off the mooring and ghost out of the bay into the main passage. From there we had a lot of tacking as far as Patonga, and then managed a lovely broad reach around West Head. Back on the mooring at about 5.00pm.
It was really one of those perfect weekends on the water, one you don't get often due to bad wind, bad tide or rain. We had none of those this time. As shame though, we didn't see one other Top Hat on the water at all. Perhaps next time.