I can't believe these posts.
As Bear has said Top Hats are too small to even consider collision bulkheads.
Why are you guys even thinking about this is beyond me. Even if you completely sealed off
all the compartments mentioned they will not be enough to stop you sinking!!
The volume needed to stop a Top Hat sinking is about that of the volume of the main cabin, so where the hell are you going to find THAT!
There is a system that involves a large inflatable bag, but it needs a couple of scuba tanks to inflate it. So where to hell would you put all that on a Top Hat!!
The Top Hats that I know of that have come to grief have ALL run UP onto the HARD STUFF where they didn't SINK but came to grief with the rocks!!
If I was going fast enough [like the speed boat already mentioned] in my Top Hat I would really be scared about hitting something, but only for a few seconds as I have only done a max of 11 knots for a very few seconds on one occasion.
Design wise, if bulkheads were required in Top Hats Illingworth and Primrose would have included one in the design.
They didn't, so lets go onto something else.